Prague Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Systems
Catalytic Polymerization Processes

Catalytic Polymerization Processes

  • Models of catalytic polymerization processes
  • Slurry tank reactors
  • Loop reactors
  • Growth of polymer particles
  • Modeling of particle growth and morphology
  • Dynamics and stability of polymerization processes

  • Researches
    Juraj Kosek, assistant professor 
    Dalimil Snita, associate professor 
    Milos Marek, full professor
    Frantisek Stepanek, graduate student 
    Antonin Novak, graduate student 
    Zdenek Grof, student 
    Ingvild Bakken, student

    Contact Information
    Department of Chemical Engineering 
    Prague Institute of Chemical Technology 
    Technická 5 
    166 28 Prague 6 
    Czech Republic
    Tel: +420-2-2435 3296 
    Fax: +420-2-311 7335 
    E-mail: (Juraj Kosek)


    We focus on the experimental and modeling studies of catalytic homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization reactors, but non-catalytic processes are also investigated. We are also involved in the design of reactors for the production of new polymer products with tailored properties.

    Models of catalytic polymerization processes
    Three spatial levels are considered in the description of liquid and gas phase catalytic polymerization reactors:

    Modeling of polymerization reactors is applied to:

    Catalytic slurry tank reactors
    There are four phases in the slurry tank reactor: the liquid, the gas, the amorphous polymer and the crystalline polymer phase. The processes taking place in this reactor are schematically shown on the Figure.

    Loop reactors
    The flow in the loop reactor schematically shown on Figure below is impelled by the axial pump. The main tubular system forms a closed loop. Effects of polymer fouling, viscosity of reaction mixture, polymer swelling, dynamics of catalyst activation and deactivation and supercritical mode of operation are investigated in our group.

    Experimental studies of the growth of polymer particles
    Polymerization micro-reactor capable of detailed studies of polymer particle growth and morphology is constructed in our research group. This micro-reactor is going to be unique in its capability to control polymerization conditions and to dynamically monitor the dynamics of particle growth by several independent measurements.

    Modeling of polymer particle growth and morphology.

    Problems of the particle overheating, obtaining the high yield of polymer from catalyst and control of final particle morphology are relevant in current polymer industry.

    Dynamics and Stability of Polymerization Processes.
    Most polymerization processes are highly exothermic and reactor productivity is often constrained by heat transfer limitations and complex thermodynamic constraints. For example, slurry processes are restricted by swelling of amorphous polymer. Dynamic changes in catalyst activity (i.e., activation and deactivation) also affect the safe regions of operation. Systematic analysis of the stability of polymerization reactors is an actual problem due to the general trend of moving to shorter residence times and increasing the polymer production per hour. Advanced tools of the continuation and bifurcation analysis are used for the study of dynamics and stability of polymerization reactors.

    Recent Publications

    Industrial cooperations

    Last modified: 22-Nov-1999
    Written By: (Juraj Kosek)

    Contact persons:
    Juraj Kosek
    Milos Marek