Vysoká škola
chemicko-technologická v Praze:
Jméno a
příjmení: Olga Smrčková |
Tituly: doc. Ing. CSc. |
Přednášky v předmětech:
Anorganická chemie
Absolvovaná VŠ: VŠCHT Praha |
Rok: 1968 |
Praxe od absolvování VŠ: |
Od: |
Do: |
VŠCHT Praha |
1968 |
2003 |
Nejdůležitější publikace a další tvůrčí činnost za posledních pět let:
of B, Al, Ga, In on the Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO system Physica B 321 (1-4) 295-297 2002
(Podíl: 25 %)
stability of the Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO superconductors J Supercond. 13 (6) 899-901 2000
(Podíl: 33 %)
of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O compounds with Mn J Supercond. 13 (6) 903-905 2000 (Podíl: 33
of technol. parameters on quality of the Bi-based superconductors Int. J. Mod.
Phys B 13 (29-31) 3729-3731 1999 (Podíl: 25 %)
phase development under influence of additions of 5B metal oxides Int. J. Mod.
Phys B 13 (29-31) 3738-3740 1999 (Podíl: 25 %)
and Ta substituted Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Int.J.Mod.Phys B 13 (29-31) 3335-3337 1998
(Podíl: 33 %)
Anotace nejvýznamnějších
publikací, projektů, děl a další tvůrčí čin.:
changes of volume of high Tc (2223) phase BSCCO superconductor are studied by
mag. suscept. during soaking in H2O, NaCl(aq) and NaOH(aq) . The volumes of the
2223 phase after long term (168 hours) soaking decreased to 22, 17 and 57%.
Resulting solutions showed high amounts of Sr2+ and Ca2+ in H2O and NaCl(aq)
and lower of them in NaOH(aq). The highest content of Pb2+ and Cu2+ was
detected in NaOH(aq).
of the superconducting phases Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 has been studied for samples
with nominal composition BiaPbbMncSr4Ca5Cu7Ox (a + b + c = 4). The influence of
the stoichiometric replacement of Bi and/or Pb by Mn on the electric and magnetic
properties of the Bi-based superconductors has been studied. The partial
substitution of Mn for Bi in the samples without Pb did not promote the growth
of the Bi-2223 phase. The samples with double substitution Pb-Mn for Bi
revealed a large amount of the Bi-2223 phase.
effect of the sintering temperature, the speed of the cooling and the additive
(B2O3) on the critical parameters was studied. The properties of the samples
with nominal composition Bi1.8(Pb0.26)Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox and 5, 9, 12.7 mol % were
detected by measurement of the electrical resistivity, critical current density
and magnetic susceptibility, by X-ray analysis and SEM. The sample with 5 mol %
B which was cooled slowly had the critical current density fivetimes higher
than undoped sample. The rapid cooling of the samples caused enhancement of the
volume of the 2223 phase.
Pedagogický a vědecký pobyt v zahraničí: |
Rok: |
Doba: |
žádný |
Vědecká hodnost: VŠCHT Praha |
(1972) |
DrSc.: |
() |
Habilitace: FCHT, VŠCHT Praha |
(1993) |
Obor: Anorganická chemie |
Jmenovací řízení: |
() |
Obor: |
Počet citací v SCI: |
Zahr.: 166 |
České: 6 |
File translated
from TEX by TTH,
version 3.20.
On 01 Apr 2003, 13:34.