SIMOLANT 01/2025
Quick popular start
Molecules attract each other when they are close together (the
"atom disks" almost touch). If the molecules are even closer, they
begin to repel (the disks overlap). If the atoms are far away,
they (almost) do not feel each other.
- When SIMOLANT starts, the temperature is set high and you see
molecules moving freely in a box. This is a (two-dimensional)
- Cool the system (using slider T)
to a temperature about T=0.6
(watch T= in the right top panel).
The molecules will slow down, the attraction forces prevail and
cause the molecules to condense to a liquid droplet.
- Hence, cool the system to about T=0.3.
Molecules will arrange spontaneously to a hexagonal lattice.
- Try more from menu Prepare system.
Get the respective zip-file ( for Windows or for 64-bit linux) and unzip it to a folder. Run
simolant.exe or simolant from this folder (this is necessary for the
online help).
On other platforms, download and follow the
instructions in You need FLTK V1.3 or higher (not the V2 fork)
and gcc/g++.
Elementary and high
A number of phenomena are shown using a two-dimensional molecular model of matter:
- Condensation of gas and crystallization of liquid on cooling.
- Melting and evaporation on heating.
- Mixing of fluids and gases.
- Capillary action.
- Crystal defects in motion.
- Gas in a gravitational field.
- Impact of a solid body (crystal) to a wall.
Basic concepts of statistical thermodynamics and molecular simulations can be elucidated:
- Ergodic and deterministic dynamic systems.
- Nucleation, Ostwald ripening.
- Molecular dynamics at constant energy, temperature (several thermostats), and pressure.
- Monte Carlo at constant energy, temperature, and pressure.
- Dependence of the (extended) integrals of motion (total energy) on timestep and thermostat/barostat time constants.
- Flying ice cube problem of the Berendsen thermostat.
- Radial distribution function and coordination number.
- Walls and periodic boundary conditions.
- Soft penetrable disks, repulsive WCA-like potential, double well potential.
- Simulation workouts:
- Isotherms and the critical point
- Verification of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
- Line tension ("surface tension" in 2D)
- Dependence of the line tension on temperature and the total line tension (surface enthalpy)
- Kelvin equation
- More under preparation...
Molecular models
A molecular model aka interaction potential aka force
field is the energy of a pair of atoms r apart expressed as a
function, u(r). The total energy is the sum of these pair
terms over all pairs of atoms. We do not use any real units – the units
are defined by the respective formulas and the Boltzmann
constant k=1). The potential type and its parameters are printed
at the top of the right panel next to the number of particles; e.g.,
"N=300 LJ c=4"
Lennard-Jones-like interaction potential
The default interaction potential is a 2D analogue of the Lennard-Jones
u(r) = 4/r⁸ − 4/r⁴
Term 4/r⁸ is positive and therefore repulsive. The term
−4/r⁴ is negative and therefore attractive; it has a longer range
than the repulsive term. The minimum of the potential is −1
at r=2^(1/4)=1.189 (line marked as rmin in the graph of RDF).
The potential is truncated at c (can be set in window cmd:)
and smoothed:
u(r) = 4/r⁸ − 4/r⁴ for r > c₁,
u(r) = A(r² − c²)² for r ∈ (c₁,c),
u(r) = 0 for r > c,
where constants A and c₁ (c₁<c) are
determined so that both the potential and forces are continuous (the
derivate of forces has jumps). No cutoff corrections are added. The
recommended default c=4, the minimum is c=2.232. Any value
of c≥2.232 selects this potential.
For c<L/2 (L is the square box side), the nearest-image
algorithm is used, otherwise a sum over all periodic images is
The critical point for the default c=4 version is approximately T=0.85,
P=0.06, ρ=0.3 for c=4. The Boyle temperature is 3.0138.
Walls and gravity
The walls can keep the particles in a box or a slit. There are two types
of walls, attractive and repulsive. The attractive wall is built of the
same particles as the 2D Lennard-Jones (without triuncation), but imagine
them ground to tiny pieces and smoothly distributed on one side of the
wall with number density ρ=N/L²=0.75 (can be changed by option
-Pwall=VALUE or from cmd:). The particle–wall potential is thus
uwall(d) = πρ (5/24 d⁶ −1/d²)
The repulsive wall is similar, only the attractive (negative) term is
omitted. The walls are active in the respective boundary conditions, the
sign can be changed in panel Walls.
If horizontal walls are present, gravity can be turn on. The potential
per particle is
u>(y) = −gy
Negative g is the usual gravity.
Bug or feature: the virial of the force of gravity is not included in the pressure tensor calculation.
How realistic is this?
The two-dimensional model used by SIMOLANT is easier to show and
simulate than a realistic three-dimensional model of, e.g., water.
Nevertheless, basic concepts shown are qualitatively the same as
in three dimensions. The only notable exception is a possibly
different nature of the freezing transition. If water freezes, a
nucleus of ice appears and then it grows – there is an interface
between both phases. This is similar to vapor condensation in both 2D
and 3D. However, when some 2D systems are cooled, there is no
interface between frozen and liquid phases (Costerlitz-Thouless
continuum transition). Instead, hexagonally ordered areas grow
anywhere in the system. At the freezing point the size of these areas
diverges to infinity, i.e., (in equilibrium) we obtain a single crystal
structure spanning the whole system. Other 2D systems freeze as in 3D
(i.e., via the first order phase transition), but the nucleation
phenomena are not so apparent; this is likely the case of 2D hard
disks. The type of freezing of our 2D system is not known.
The model is more appropriate for 2D systems as surfactants
floating on a surface of water. Such molecules form 2D gas, 2D
liquid, and hexagonally ordered 2D solids (and even more...).
The surface pressure can be easily demonstrated in a kitchen by
throwing a few matches to a bowl of water and touching the surface
by a piece of soap.
The potential decreases to zero more slowly than London forces in
3D; therefore, gas at moderate densities is less ideal than in 3D –
the compressibility factor Z deviates from 1, especially al low
More interaction potentials
In addition to the standard Lennard-Jones-like potential, several more
or less weird potentials are supported:
- WCA interaction potential
The WCA potential is the Lennard-Jones (here 2D version) potential
truncated at the minimum and shifted:
u(r) = 4/r⁸ − 4/r⁴ +1 for r < c
u(r) = 0 for r ≥ c
where c = 2^(1/4). Any c ∈ (1,2) is transformed
to c = 2^(1/4) = 1.1892071 and selects this potential.
- Penetrable disks and ideal gas
The PD (penetrable spheres, here penetrable disks) is a simple model
of a polymer coil in a good solvent. It is selected by c=2:
u(r) = a(r²−4)² for r < 2
u(r) = 0 for r ≥ 2
Normally, a=1/2. From cmd:, any value can be set:
a>0 repulsive penetrable spheres (disks),
a=0 ideal gas (not too much fun with it),
a<0 attractive penetrable spheres (disks) are
thermodynamically singular (the thermodynamic limit diverges).
Double wall
The double wall potential with a
good choice of parameters might give a quasicrystal of 2D Penrose
u(r) = const (1−r²) (a²−r²) (b²−r²) (c²/r²−1)² for r < |c|
u(r) = 0 for r ≥ |c|
where, for the sake of temperature scale purpose, const is selected so
that ∫_1^∞ u(r)² dr = 512/1155 is the same as for the
2D Lennard-Jones. This potential is selected by c<−1.
Parameters a and b are the nodes (zero values of the
potential), it should hold 1 < a < b < |c|
Note that no check is performed of this condition.
- Open...
Load a previously saved file with a configuration, see below for the
- Save as...
Save simulation parameters (N bc walls T L wall dt d method P dV tau qtau g a b c)
and the configuration (atom positions and velocities) and to a file.
Extension .sim is added if not present.
The sim-file is ASCII and human-readable.
- Protocol name...
Change the name of the files used for printing measured quantities (see
the [▯ record] button). The default is simolant. The
browser offers text files (extension .txt), which are always
written if recording is selected. If CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files
are to be recorded, the extension .txt is changed
to .csv.
- Export force field
Prints a file (tab-separated TXT or CSV, according to current setup) with the following columns:
r = the interatomic distance
ufull(r) = the full potential
u(r) = the truncated potential (the same as ufull(r) except for 2DLJ)
ffull(r) = the full force
f(r) = the truncated force
-du(r)/dr_numeric = as above, obtained by a numerical derivative
- Quit
Quit SIMOLANT. Also pressing Esc will quit.
Force field
- Lennard-Jones c=4 (recommended)
Standard 2D Lennard-Jones potential smoothly
cut off at c=4. Parameter c cn be changed from cmd:, any
value c≥2.232 selects this type of the potential.
- Repulsive (WCALJ, c=1.1892)
Repulsive potential cut at 2D Lennard-Jones minimum
and shifted. Acronym WCALJ refers to its use in the
Weeks–Andersen–Chandler perturbation theory.
- Penetrable disks (a=0.5,c=2)
A model
of penetrable disks (spheres in 3D), a 2D analogue of
a model of polymer coils in a good solvent.
Parameter c=2 selects penetrable disks, the potential
height a=1/2 can be changed from cmd:.
- Ideal gas (a=0,c=2)
As above with no interaction (ideal gas).
- Attractive disks (a=−0.5,c=2)
As above with
attraction. This model does not have a thermodynamic limit (the Gibbs
state is singular).
- Double well (a=1.25,b=1.4,c=-2)
A potential with a double
well. Parameters a,b,c can be changed from
cmd:; |c| is the cutoff (−∞%lt;c−1 selects the
double-well potential), it must hold 1 < a < b <
Prepare system
The simulation start, methods, and parameters of simulation, and
quantities to observe are prepared for you to observe phenomena.
- Gas
A dilute system at temperature T=1
represents a (two dimendional) gas.
Try to cool it to about T=0.6 and
observe the changes.
- + Diffusion
As above, and molecules are colored so that you can observe
- + Gravity
Gas in a gravitational field. Watch the
vertical density profile (use sliders simulation speed and Measurement
block for better precision).
- Vapor-liquid equilibrium
A "vessel" periodic in the
x-direction is prepared with liquid at bottom. Watch pressure and
density as you cool or heat the system a bit. You may try Metropolis
Monte Carlo. See also clausius-clapeyron.pdf workout
- Nucleation
Dilute gas is prepared and quickly cooled (quenched). Several
small droplets soon form. They coalesce to bigger droplets. For a
more realistic simulation corresponding better to the condensation
of water vapor in wet air, the Langevin thermostat is used – heat
transfer between air and droplets is modeled by random forces. If
you are patient, you may observe another phenomenen
responsible for growth of large droplets at the expense of small
ones – Ostwald ripening. The trick is that small droplets
evaporate faster than the big ones because of their curved
surface. On the contrary, bigger droplets catch more eagerly
flying molecules and grow faster.
- Liquid
A small droplet is produced at
temperature T=0.6 in the periodic
boundary consitions. It will solidify on cooling and evaporate on
heating up.
With a smaller number of particles and lower density ans small τ, the
flyinf icecube artifact can be observed with the Berendesen
- Capillary
Capillary action under a microscope. The left, right, and bottom
walls are attractive and a small gravity is turned on. You can see
a meniscus. Try to make the left and right walls repulsive and
observe the changes!
- Bubble (cavity)
A cavity (commonly called "bubble") in liquid.
- Hexagonal crystal
A perfect piece of hexagonal crystal
at T=0.2 is prepared.
The number of particles may change to match a regular hexagon.
Molecules are colored according to the number of neighbors.
The colors are chosen from the Okabe and Ito colorblind-safe palette.
- Melt the crystal (increase T).
- Impact it to the ground (use gravity) – it will
recrystallize because of low T.
- Smash it to the ground at constant energy (switch to
the NVE molecular dynamics and then use gravity). A crystal will
melt and perhaps evaporate; set dt=0.02 (using cmd: input field)
in case of problems with too large forces.)
- + Edge defect
A piece of crystal with an edge dislocation. The defect quickly
travels through the crystal and eventually disappears at the
crystal surface. Use slide simulation speed if this is too fast.
- + Vacancy
One missing atom in a perfect crystal. This defect slowly diffuses.
- + Interstitial
One additional atom in a perfect crystal. This atom has a high
energy diffuses very fast.
Here the simulation method (MC/MD), ensemble (NVE, NVT, NPT) and
thermostat/barostat flavors are selected.
- Automatic (MC→MD/Bussi CSVR)
Several first steps are performed by the Metropolis Monte Carlo method
at constant temperature T (this is marked by symbol MC→MD in the right
top corner). After particle overlaps are removed, the simulation
switches to molecular dynamics (symbol [MD/Bussi CSVR], see
Bussi CSVR thermostat). If a problem is
encountered (particle overlap which would lead to integration failure),
several Metropolis Monte Carlo steps are automatically performed
- Monte Carlo NVE (Creutz)
The Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm samples the configurations of
molecules using random moves. In the constant-energy Creutz
version, a demon with a bag full of energy visits molecules and
tries to push them randomly a bit (random displacement in a disk
of diameter d). If the energy decreases, the move is accepted
and the demon stores the released energy in the bag. If the
energy increases, the move is performed only if there is enough
energy in the demon's bag, otherwise the move is rejected and
the simulation continues with the original unchanged
configuration. This procedure is repeated many times (one MC
sweep is when every particle is tried to move once).
If there is (on average) a lot of energy in the bag, the
configurations of the system have high energy, too, which means
that the temperature is high. Mathematically, the demon's
energy is distributed according to the Boltzmann distribution,
prob(Ebag) = const exp(-Ebag/kT), hence the temperature
is given by averaged bag energy as
Tbag = ⟨Ebag⟩/k.
In the right panel you will see this temperature averaged in blocks of
one or more sweeps. It fluctuates in the course of the simulation.
By default, the trial displacement is determined automatically to reach
the acceptance ratio of 0.3. For productive runs, this should be turned
off by button [▯ set MC move].
- Monte Carlo NVT (Metropolis)
The more useful Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm works at
constant temperature T, which is a parameter of the
simulation. Here the demon visits a termostat before every step
and gets energy corresponding to its temperature.
Ebag = −kT ln(rnd),
where rnd is a random number drawn uniformly from interval (0,1).
Once again, high-energy configurations are more probable at high
temperatures, low-energy configurations at low temperatures. The
demon's temperature Tbag converges to the thermostat temperature
T and then fluctuates around it (on average, the energy the demon
returns to the thermostat equals the energy he gets back).
- Monte Carlo NPT (Metropolis)
The volume of the system randomly fluctuates in the isothermal-isobaric
(NPT) ensemble. Again, the change of volume is either accepted or
rejected to maintain constant pressure on average. Note that the
simulation box is always drawn at the same size and the sizes of
molecules change instead.
For experts: We use the volume measure μ=1/V, to be compatible
with MTK, see J. Janek and
J. Kolafa: J. Chem. Phys. 160, 184111 (2024).
If the barostat pressure is too low, the volume becomes too large. In
this case, an error is reported and the simulation switches to NVT. You
should change (increase) P from the cmd: input field. Alternatively,
stop simulation by the [▯ run] button, then switch to NPT, then use
the P-slider, then restart simulation by the [▯ run] button.
The trial volume change is not available via a slider; use cmd: dV=VALUE
or automatic setup by button [▯ set MC move].
- Molecular Dynamics (NVE)
Molecular dynamics (MD) calculates trajectories of molecules in time
by numerical integration of the Newtonian equations of motion.
Molecules thus move "as in the real world".
Mathematically, we use the leap-frog algorithm given by formulas:
v(t+dt/2) := v(t−dt/2) + dt*f(t)/h,
r(t+dt) := r(t) + dt*v(t+dt/2),
where v(t) is the velocity (velocities of all particles)
and r(t) position(s) at time t, respectively, and dt is the
timestep. Forces f(t) are calculated from positions r(t).
The total (potential + kinetic) energy is conserved (subject to small
method errors). Temperature is calculated from the kinetic
temperature by formula:
Tkin = 2 Ekin / k Nf,
where the leap-frog kinetic energy is
Ekin = ∑ m [v(t−dt/2)²+v(t+dt/2)²]/4,
the sum is over all particles, both the Boltzmann
constant k and particle mass m are here equal 1, and Nf
is the number of degrees of freedom (Nf=2N in a box; because of
momentum conservation in the NVE MD, Berendsen and Nosé-Hoover
thermostats, Nf=2N−2 in the periodic boundary conditions and
Nf=2N−1 in the slit).
The timestep dt is determined from temperature and thermostat type
and then kept constant. In NVE and when temperature changes
abruptly, the integrator may fail. A fixed timestep can be set on
start by option -Pdt=VALUE, or from running simolant from field cmd:,
variable dt. The automatic timestep is set by dt=0.
Before the MD simulation starts, new velocities are drawn from the
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
This applies to all MD methods.
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Berendsen)
In order to maintain constant temperature, a thermostat has to be used.
The simplest one is the Berendsen (friction) thermostat. It works by
rescaling all velocities by a factor so that Tkin approaches slowly the
defined temperature T. This thermostat (with long enough τ)
does not affect transport phenomena as diffusivity and
is good for fast cooling or heating. The coupling of the thermostat
with the system is given by the coupling (correlation) time τ. Too low
values may cause problems for some systems as, e.g., the infamous
"flying ice cube" (create a crystal in periodic boundary conditions, use
τ=0.1 and wait...). It does not give the true canonical ensemble (the
same distribution of energies as if the system were at contact with a
thermostat) which is a disadvantage in some application.
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Nosé-Hoover)
This thermostat is based on a dynamic variable (something like a "piston
of entropy") interacting with the system. The coupling (correlation)
time τ must be carefully set (less than 0.3 ps is recommended): Too long
values lead to long oscillations in temperature and poor convergence
(the "piston" has large "inertia mass"); too short values require short
timesteps (the integration may fail). If everything is set properly,
this thermostat is probably the best.
The method can be implemented in the Verlet-like methods by several
algorithms. Here we use the TRVP (Time-Reversible Velocity Predictor)
with k=1,
see J. Kolafa and
M. Lísal: J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 3596 (2011).
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Andersen)
Constant temperature is maintained by thermalizing the molecules
randomly: A molecule forgets its old velocity and is launched at
random direction with random velocity corresponding (on average) to
temperature T (so-called Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution).
Again, τ determines how often (on average) a molecule is visited by a
random Maxwell-Boltzmann kicker. This type of thermostat can be
interpreted as an action of random impacts of invisible gas molecules
in which our molecules are immersed. The algorithm is subject to
errors for short τ and long dt.
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Maxwell-Boltzmann)
As above except that all molecules are asigned Maxwell-Boltzmann
random velocity corresponding (on average) to temperature T at
once every τ.
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Langevin)
Small random forces ceaselessly disturb all molecules. Since this
would heat the system, a friction is added to slow the molecules. If
both forces are balanced, the system maintains given
temperature T. A simple version of the algorithm is
implemented so that the ensemble is not exactly canonical for short τ
and long dt.
- Molecular Dynamics NVT (Bussi CSVR)
Also called Canonical Sampling through Velocity Rescaling.
Similar to the Berendsen thermostat except that the rescaling factor is
amended by a random noise so that the resulting ensemble is canonical,
see Bussi G. and
Parrinello M., Comp. Phys. Comm. 179, 26 (2008).
- Molecular Dynamics NPT (Berendsen)
Similar as the Berendsen thermostat. Pressure is maintained by box
rescaling if the instantaneous virial pressure differs from
parameter P. The analogous volume coupling (correlation) time
τ is calculated from the temperature time constant τ and the bulk
modulus calculated from a very approximate equation of state,
cf. variable qtau available via command in window cmd:.
Hint: use Show → Volume convergence profile with Measurement block
slided left.
- Molecular Dynamics NPT (Martyna et al.)
Similar to the Nosé-Hoover thermostat but with a box-size-related degree
of freedom added. You may interpret it as a "piston", but attached to
all particles so that it works also in the periodic boundary conditions.
The time constant of this piston is qtau×τ, τ<0.3 and the default
qtau=5 are recommended. The true isothermal-isobaric ensemble is
generated; however, it may be difficult to adjust the parameters; e.g.,
for high-temperature gas or crystal. Also, it may easily crash if the
initial configuration is far from equilibrium. Can be used with
non-periodic boundary conditions, but the scaling is still uniform in
all coordinates. Try to view the volume convergence profile and switch
all three available barostats.
The method is based on
paper G. J. Martyna,
D. J. Tobias, M. L. Klein: J. Chem. Phys. 101, 4177 (1994),
for our implementation see J. Janek,
J. Kolafa: J. Chem. Phys. 160, 184111 (2024).
Boundary conditions
- Box (soft walls)
Molecules are contained in a square box bounded by four walls
(attractive or repulsive – see below).
- Slit (x-periodic, y-walls)
The system is periodic in the x-direction: Any molecule
leaving the box to the right will appear from the left.
- Periodic
The system is periodic in both the x- and y-directions. The
topology is the same as of a tire.
Magic numbers of particles for crystals: 15, 56, 209, 780. This means
that a crystal without defects matching well a square periodic box is
possible. NPT Berendsen method is recommended.
Show and measure
Select quantities to measure and show and a graph to draw. If button
[▯ record] is pressed, the averages of the
selected quantities and graphs (if selected in widget include:) are
- Minimum
Measuring most quantities is turned off, shown are only the potential
energy and temperature/kinetic energy (if applicable) and basic method
parameters. If ▯ record is requested,
Quantities (full measurements) are selected.
- Quantities
As above and additional quantities are measured and shown as text:
Pressure (calculated from the virial of force); this pressure is used in
This pressure for thermostats conserving the linear momenta in the
periodic and slit boundary conditions include the “kinettip pressure
correction”. Thus, the ideal gas in the limit of ρ→0 gives exact
compresibility factor, Z=1. See the MACSIMUS manual for details and
tests. The respective kinetic energy scaling factors are printed as
Diagonal components of the pressure tensor (calculated from the virial
of force).
Components of pressure on walls (calculated from forces on walls, if
Line tension ("surface tension" in 2D).
γ = Ly*(Pyy−Pxx) (makes sense only in the slab geometry).
Mean square displacement (MSD) measurement is started when
[▯ record] is pressed. The MSDs in x and y directions are
calculated separately. The formula is
MSDx(t) = ∑ [r(0).x−r(t).x]² / N
and is applied for the last configuration in a block.
The algorithm operates with scaled coordinates (thus, NPT is valid) and
follows particle paths in the periodic boundary conditions. If the
displacement from the previous position is greater than 0.45 L, error
message is issued and the MSD calculation is turned off. The remedy is
to decrease the block size and/or stride.
The slope of the linear part of MSD.x(t) and MSD.y(t) is 2D in the periodic
boundary conditions, where D is the diffusivity. This calculation is
rather imprecise (error ~1/√N); therefore, several shorter independent
measurements should be averaged. (Ideally, overlapping blocks are
recommended, see
J. Picálek, J.
Kolafa: J. Mol. Liq. 134, 29–33 (2007)).
All the following options include these extended measurements, which
are exported if ▯ record is pressed.
- Energy/enthalpy convergence profile
The running convergence profile of energy (potential + kinetic; for
Nosé-Hoover thermostat and MTK without the extended degrees of
freedom; for the Creutz method with the bag energy) or enthalpy (in
the NPT ensembles) is shown. The graph is scaled to the running
mininum–maximum range (as printed) and the standard deviation of the
shown data is printed.
Reset the graph by button [reset].
Move slider simulation speed so that stride=1.
Use slider measurement block as needed.
- Temperature
The running convergence profile of temperature (kinetic in MD,
averaged bag in MC).
- Volume convergence profile
The volume convergence profile (NPT only).
- Pressure convergence profile
The convergence profile of virial pressure.
- Integral of motion convergence profile
The conserved energy in MD (NVE: total energy, Nosé-Hoover and MTK:
extended energy).
- Radial distribution function (RDF)
The RDF represents the probability of finding a pair of molecules a
given distance r apart, normalized so
that for interactionless particles (ideal gas) it is 1. On
the r-axis,
rmin denotes the potential minimum.
The RDF curve is scaled from zero to the maximum. To look better,
the curve is smoothed by applying two (for block=1) or one (block>1)
three-point formulas.
The RDF exported (after recording) is not smoothed
- Vertical density profile
The vertical density profile is a horizontally averaged number
density as a function of the y-coordinate of atoms (from
bottom). If the system is y-periodic, the profile (of a
horizontal slab) is centered at every step (i.e., it does not matter
when the slab diffuses up and down) using formula:
(L/2π)*atan2(∑ sin(yi*2π/L),∑ cos(yi*2π/L)).
The printed profile is placed so that the box center is zero (range
[−L/2,L/2], the shown profile is in [0,L]. If the box dimensions
fluctuate in the NVT ensembles, the y-box side is always divided
in the same number of histogram bins (the bin width fluctuates); the
final graph uses the averaged volume (area) for the y-coordinate
as well as scaling. The y-range of the shown graph is
dynamically adjusted; overshot values are orange. Smoothing applies as
for RDF. Instead of homogeneous pressure, both components Pxx and Pyy
of the pressure tensor are shown.
- Droplet radial density profile
Droplet radial density profile shows the full angle (0–360°) averaged
number density from the box center (if walls are present), or from the
droplet or slab center defined as above for both x and y.
- Cavity radial density profile
As above, but in periodic boundary conditions with respect to
the cavity center,
(L/2π)*(atan2(∑ sin(xi*2π/L),∑ cos(xi*2π/L))+π).
Technical setup affecting performance.
- FPS=15
Set the number of frames per second to 15. This is an approximate value
which is based on measuring simulation and drawing time and calculating
the remaining timeout. If the simulation takes a longer time, the FPS
is smaller. Note that the speed is also affected by slider Simulation
speed. It is void (maximum speed) if this slider is at the rightmost
position. See also option -F.
- FPS=30
Set the number of frames per second to 30.
- FPS=60
Set the number of frames per second to 60. This is the default.
- FPS=120
Set the number of frames per second to 120.
- Timeout 99% of simulation (use if shaky)
If the simulation takes a longer time than is given by the FPS selected,
some timeout is still required for widget control. Here the timeout is
set to 99% of the simulation time. Use this option if the response of
widgets is slow and shaky. See also option -T.
- Timeout 50% of simulation
The timeout is set to 50% of the simulation time.
- Timeout 20% of simulation (faster)
The timeout is set to 20% of the simulation time. Use this to speed up
the calculations, perhaps at the expense of a less precise response.
- Timeout 7% of simulation (fastest)
The timeout is set to 7% of the simulation time. Use this to speed up
the calculations, at the expense of a less precise response.
- Help
This help. File simolant.html must be in the same directory as
the exe file.
- About
Copyright and acknowledgements.
Right Panel
Top line in the right panel shows the number of particles and
the MC|MD/ensemble/method.
Symbol MC→MD means that MC
is running to remove overlaps and will be switched to MD.
Symbol in
brackets [MC|MD/ensemble/method] denotes that a switch to MC
and back is possible in case of problems.
These parameters are shown during simulation in the right panel and also printed to the protocol simolant.txt
N | Number of particles. |
LJ c= | Cutoff for the Lennard-Jones-like potential. |
WCALJ | Repulsive potential (c=1.1892). |
PD a= | Penetrable disks spheres, a=potential depth. |
DWa,b,c | Double well with parameters a,b,c. |
T | Thermostat or method temperature. |
τ | Thermostat correlation (coupling) time (MD only). |
L | Box size (as derived from density). |
ρ | Number density, ρ = N/Area (see below for the definition of the Area). |
wall | Number density of walls. |
g | Acceleration of gravity. |
d | Radius of the trial displacement (MC only), in the units of Lh=L/2. |
dV | Maximal trial relative volume change in MC NPT. |
P | Pressure (parameter of a NPT simulation) |
stride | stride MD steps or MC sweeps is performed between drawing the configuration and measuring quantities. |
block | Number of measurements in one block (by stride MC sweeps or MD steps). |
The following quantities are shown during simulation in the right panel and also printed to the protocol and convergence profiles.
t | Time or the number of MC sweeps from é during recording. |
Tkin | Kinetic temperature (averaged in blocks, MD only). |
Tbag | Creutz demon bag temperature (averaged, MC only). |
dt | Integration time step (MD only); "dt⇒" denotes that dt has been determined automatically from T and τ. |
acc.r. | Acceptance ratio (ratio of accepted moves to all attempted moved, MC only). |
acc.r/(V) | Acceptance ratio of volume change in NPT simulations |
Pvir | Pressure (averaged configurational pressure based on the virial theorem incl. the kinetic term). |
V | Volume (in NPT) |
Z | Compressibility factor, Z=P/ρkT (where k=1); it holds Z=1 for ideal gas. In CREUTZ MC, T=⟨Tbag⟩. In NVE MD, T=⟨Tkin⟩. In NVT and NPT simulations, the thermostat T is used. In NPT simulations, the barostat P is used and ρ=N/⟨V⟩. |
Pxx | Diagonal xx-component of the pressure tensor (similarly Pyy). |
P(top_wall) | Pressure calculated from averaged force on the top wall (similarly other walls). |
MSDx | Mean square displacement in x-direction, similarly MSDy. |
γ | Surface tension (applies to the slab geometry). |
Etot | Total (potential + kinetic) energy of the whole simulation box. |
Epot | Potential energy of the whole simulation box. |
H | Enthalpy. |
Econserved | Conserved energy (MD: NVE, NVT Nosé–Hoover, MTK). |
Sliders panel
Sliders can be moved by a mouse or (when the mouse pointer is over)
finely by arrows. The response of most sliders is not linear.
- T Temperature.
In the Metropolis Monte Carlo method it is directly a control
parameter of the method. In molecular dynamics a thermostat is
coupled to the system with a typical (correlation or coupling)
time τ.
- τ Thermostat coupling time
(MD only).
Long time means that the system is well insulated from the thermostat
and the system temperature approaches the predefined value T
slowly. Short time ensues fast heat flow.
- d Trial displacement radius
(MC only).
Too long displacements change the configuration a lot, however,
they are (at lower temperatures) rarely accepted and the
simulation is inefficient. Too short displacements are almost
always accepted, however, the old and new configurations are
almost identical. See the acceptance ratio. Value d=0 (bottom)
means that the trial displacement radius is dynamically adjusted
to reach acc.r.=1/3; in addition, long moves (new random position)
with probability 2 % are performed.
- g Acceleration of gravity.
Negative values point downwards (as in the Earth gravitational
field), positive upwards. In the periodic boundary conditions the
forces of gravity are inactive.
- ρ Number density ρ=N/Area.
Since N is kept constant, increasing
density actually decreased the box size L, and vice versa. However,
for better view, the box is displayed in the same size and the
particle diameters are scaled instead. (Imagine you view the screen
from such a distance that you see the particles as discs of the
original size.) Particle coordinates are rescaled with the box.
Area is defined (approximately) as
- Area = (L−1.2)² in the box (with walls)
- Area = L (L−1.2) in the slit
- Area = L² in the periodic boundary conditions
- P Pressure.
Parameter of NPT simulations.
- N Number of particles.
Change the number of particles.
Note that the density is kept constant so that the box is
rescaled, too.
If MD is running, it will likely be switched to Monte Carlo.
- decrease N: randomly selected particles are removed
- increase N: particles are inserted at random places
Clicking the respective buttons will toggle repulsive (red) and attractive
(green) walls. Button [invert] swaps repulsive ↔ attractie walls.
Some more advanced functions.
- molecule size:
Controls the size of molecules.
- Real – The disk diameter equals the collision radius;
i.e., the distance where u(r)=0 (it
is r=1).
- Small – 50 % of the collision radius
- Dot – dot of 5 pixels, useful with Lines or Traces
- Pixel – dot of one pixel
- draw mode:
- Movie – Molecules in motion.
- Traces – Trajectories are visible and gradually erased.
- Lines – Trajectories are visible and permanent.
- Nothing – Do not draw molecules nor box. Some speed is gained, especially for small systems.
- color mode:
- Black – Molecules are colored black (and this color is
- One – Only one molecule is black, the remaining
ones are orange. Useful to illustrate Brownian motion.
- y-split – Top half is colored red, bottom half
blue (and these colors are kept). Useful to study diffusion.
- Neighbors – Molecules are drawn in colors according
to the number of neighbors (molecules lying closer than 1.55:
a tick will appear in the RDF graph to mark this distance).
New colors are calculated every step (unless you select Keep).
- Random – Colorize atoms randomly (and keep these colors).
- Keep – Previously selected colors are kept.
- reset
Restore the default behavior (movie of black
molecules). The convergence profiles are reset, too (if shown).
- set MC moves
In MC simulations: The trial move size (and in
NPT also dV) is adjusted automatically to reach the acceptance ratio of
0.3. Should be turned off before a productive run.
- run
Stop the simulation temporarily. All other functions
(parameter change etc.) work as usual and become active as soon
as the simulation is resumed. Useful to change parameters if the
current setup keeps launching errors.
Simulation speed and measurement blocking
- simulation speed
This slider controls the speed of the
simulation/movie and the stride of calculations (of quantities). The
fourth line in the right panel contains the value of stride and the
requested time between frames in ms.
- Leftmost: very slow, every frame is shown with a low FPS (frames per second).
- Left: every frame is shown with the selected FPS (see menu Tinker).
- Center: every 3rd configuration is shown with the selected FPS. This is the default.
- Right: every tenth configuration is shown with the selected FPS.
- Rightmost: every tenth configuration is shown as fast as possible (no delays added).
Note that for many particles, the calculation and showing may be slower
than the selected FPS.
- measurement block
Quantities of interest (kinetic
temperature, pressure, RDF) are averaged over certain number of
simulation steps (sweeps in MC) and then displayed at once. The block
length is in range [1,100], the default is 10. The selected stride (see
slide simulation speed) still applied; therefore, stride*block=10*100
means that 1000 MD steps are performed to get one block summary
Command line options
An argument without leading hyphen is considered as a sim-file and loaded.
FLTK options are recognized. Note a space between the option and its (optional) value. Useful ones:
-g WxH+X+Y | geometry (W,H=window width and height, X,Y = position). Do not use less than -g 958x683 |
-title "WINDOW TITLE" | change window title |
-ico | start iconized |
-notooltips | do not show tooltips (help text appearing over buttons and sliders) |
SIMOLANT options are UPPERCASE. The following number/value is without space! No check is done whether the values given are in a reasonable range!
file | sim-file (configuration) to open |
-Cmethod | the circle drawing method: 0=fl_pie, 1=fl_circle, 2=composed of fl_line (default) |
-Dsteps | debug mode (timing and technical info printed to stderr every MD or MC steps), disabled in Windows (recompile with -mconsole instead of -mwindows) |
-FFPS | frames per second of movies (if possible), default=60 |
-Iinit | (init=number) initial system (Gas=0, Diffusion=1, etc.) |
-NN | initial number of particles (legacy, also -PN=) |
-NPROTOCOL | protocol name without extension, cf. menu File |
-Pcomma-separated assignments | Commands (assignments) as in the "Expert" mode, comma-separated. Executed after initialization (-I, -N) Example: -Pwall=1,method=1 |
-Sspeed | initial value of the simulation speed slider [default=3.5], affects the timer and (for speed>=1) the number of the skipped frames. Normal range = [-5,11.5], 11 or 11.5 means 10 and no delay |
-Tfactor | the timeout of the time is least factor times the simulation cycle duration [default=0.5] |
-Udelay | additional delay in s, do not use [default=1e-5] |
Known bugs and caveats
- There are timing, thread-priority, and/or efficiency problems.
The original dumb X11-only version was faster.
- Simple inefficient O(N²) algorithm (no linked-cell list, no
neighbor list...).
- Both / and \ treated as directory separator (on all platforms).
- Inconsistent command line option format.
- Under hard conditions (fast changes of N, density), an
out-of-box particle may pass unnoticed and cause various
Copying and Credits
This application is © Jiří Kolafa. It is available under the
GNU General Public License Version 3
The sources of SIMOLANT can be found on GitHub.
- 01/2025 Bug fixed: After change of N while MC, the number of degrees of freedom was not updated leading to wrong results
MSD also for nonperiodic b.c.
- 12/2024 More potentials added: WCA, double well, penetrable disks/spheres
also velocities saved to .sim
MSD added
two droplets added
- 11/2024 Cutoff smoothing bug fixed
number of degrees of freedom for MTK was fixed; now limρ→0Z=1 also for small N
nonstochastic NVT MD kinetic pressure corection added so that now limρ→0Z=1 also for small N
outputs cleaned; particularly for Z
- 10/2024 Missing header after change of protocol name fixed
g↔P swapped (was wrong in .txt protocol)
NPT volume measure μ=const
replaced by μ=1/V in MC NPT, to be compatible with MTK
- 09/2024 help window and panel enlarged
Tinker menu added
timeouts based on the measured simulation times
new button [invert] walls
CSV output added
Okabe and Ito colorblind-safe palette
backups on save removed
- 02/2024 small bug ~O(dt) fixed in the Bussi thermostat
default timestep changed
default qtau for MTK increased
- 04/2023 all whites ignored in a command (cmd: field), hints removed, bug (possible string overflow) fixed
- 03/2022 cumulative distribution functions added to the additional recorded output
control of these additional outputs moved to a separate widget (not in menu File)
bug in surface tension fixed
default thermostat changed to BUSSI (was BERENDSEN)
- 12/2021 bug in surface tension introduced (returned to original good value 03/2022)
NPT L limited to 1e10 to prevent crash in rare cases
vertical density profile centered
vertical density profile better NPT-compatible (Ly=sqrt(⟨L²⟩) used)
- 09/2021 variables _bc and _th (in Command:) renamed to th and bc
bug fixed (Ekin for MC NPT was left from the previous step and not calculated from the T; thus, Pvir and H were incorrect)
- 10/2020 bugs fixed (wall force, show τ slider)
- 07/2020 barostats, cutoff, many GUI and control changes
- 10/2019 Bussi thermostat (Canonical Sampling through Velocity Rescaling) added
- 05/2019 bug fixed (Creutz's bag), changes to satisfy the paranoic C++ compiler
- 04/2018 bug fixed (command g=), small improvements
- 03/2018 Maxwell-Boltzmann thermostat added, small improvements
- 11/2017 convergence profile of total (kinetic+potential) energy added
- 03/2017 comma accepted in cmd: input, toggle [,] will use decimal comma instead of period in the recorded files
- 11/2016 bug fixed (rescaled window + periodic b.c. not properly shown)
- 10/2015 parameter input from keyboard added
- 03/2015 export of convergence profiles for further analysis added
Supported by
- 2012–2013 TUL Liberec, EU: esf (evropský sociální fond v ČR), MŠMT: OP Vzdělání pro konkurenceschopnost (FLTK version)
- 2001–now University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (DOS+Turbo C/X11+*nix versions+FLTK versions)
- 1985–2001 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (DOS+Pascal version)
- Ivo Nezbeda (the first version of SIMOLANT was written in Pascal
for a simulation seminar which was held at the Institute of
Chemical Technology in about 1985)
- Karel Matas (FLTK advise)