Multiphase flows in chemical engineering
Research motivation:
Multiphase flows are of great importance in many chemical engineering applications. As examples, we may mention a description of hydrodynamics in absorption and distillation columns or bubble column reactors.
In our research, we focus mainly on the first of the listed processes. More specifically, we are aiming at modeling the flows with the utmost importance of the interfacial area size. Hence, the direct application of our work can be found in designing the above mentioned separation columns.
Research directions and open problems:
- CFD modeling of droplet, rivulet and thin film flows
- OpenFoam modeling of the rivulet type flow down an inclined plate
- OpenFoam modeling of a rivulet flowing down a slowly varying incline
- CFD study of effects of a plate inclination, liquid properties, and a substrate surface texture on the Reynolds number needed for transitions between the different flow types (droplets, rivulets and thin film)
- Possibilities of replacing the interFoam solver and fully 3D simulations by reactingParcelFilmFoam solver permitting the problem reduction to 2D
- Derivation of surrogate models for the rivulet type flow
- Spreading rivulet of perfectly wetting liquid on and under an inclined plate
- Rivulet spreading on a wetted inclined plate. Case of non-neglectable wetting layer causing the dissipation of a rivulet in the underlaying liquid film.
- Rivulet flowing in the azimuthal direction from top to bottom of a large horizontal cylinder
- Surrogate model for a thin film (rivulet) flow near a discontinuous change of a plate inclination
Used software and programming languages:
- OpenFoam for CFD simulations (C++ based software for solving partial differential equations within the finite volume method framework)
- Paraview for CFD simulations postprocessing (graphical representation of the results and further calculations performed on it)
- Blender for creation of presentable graphical representations of the results (mostly animations)
- Python for preparation of CFD cases (as a simple OpenFoam high level interface) and for scripting of Paraview and Blender
- Matlab for implementation of surrogate models
- Maple, Mathematica and few others as auxiliary tools
- Most of the used custom codes are available in the group software repository (github)
Notable results:
3D model of an experimental set up used for interfacial area measurements at TU Bergkakademie Freiberg
3D and 2D models of a rivulet flow around a large cylinder
3D model of a flow down an inclined plate - study of transitions between flow types
Comparison between measured interfacial area size (Sgl) and Sgl obtained from a surrogate model
Comparison between flow parameters of a 2D CFD simulation of a rivulet on a large cylinder and results of the surrogate model developed for the same situation
Program for automatic evaluation of experimental data. In cooperation with TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.
Source codes: Github
Documentation: .pdf
Available thesis themes:
Numerical study of effects of material texture on falling film properties
Factors affecting separation efficiencies of structured packed columns are multi-scale, including macroscopic variables (e.g. feed rate, pressure and temperature) and a microscopic liquid flow behavior and distribution. The microscopic liquid flow behavior seems to be highly affected by the presence and properties of a texture of a structured packing material. In our work, we will simulate the liquid flow on inclined plates with different textures and compare the results to available CFD and experimental data. For the purpose of the simulations, we will use an open-source CFD package, OpenFOAM. OpenFOAM software allows high-level parallelization, which we will leverage performing our calculations on a supercomputer.
Martin Isoz
Master Thesis
- Isoz, M. Modeling gravity driven rivulet on a monotonically varying incline. In Proceedings of the conference TPFM'16, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics; Simurda, D. Bodnar, T., Eds.; 2016; pp - (10 pages). .pdf slides
- Isoz, M. Spreading rivulet with decrease in flow rate induced by dissipation in underlying wetting film. In Proceedings of the conference TPFM'15, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics; Simurda, D. Bodnar, T., Eds.; 2015; pp 77-80. .pdf slides
- Isoz, M. Using VOF opensource code for rivulet type flow modeling. In Proceedings of the conference SNA'15, Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School; Blaheta, R. Stary, J. Sysalova, D., Eds.; 2015; pp 45–48. .pdf slides
- Isoz, M. Simplified model for a rivulet spreading down an inclined wetted plate. In Proceedings of the conference 4th Scientific Colloquium, 4th Scientific Colloquium; Janovska, D., Kubicek, M., Eds.; 2014; pp 102–118. .pdf slides
- Isoz, M. Computationally inexpensive method to determine size of gas-liquid interfacial area of rivulet spreading on inclined wetted plate. In Proceedings of the conference TPFM'14, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics; Simurda, D., Bodnar, T., Eds.; 2014; pp 59–62. .pdf slides
- Isoz, M. LIF data evaluation – image processing algorithms. In Proceedings of the Conference SNA’14, Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School; Bilkova, H., Rozloznik, M., Tichy, P., Eds.; 2014; pp 51–54. .pdf slides
Changed on December 11 2015