J. Kolafa and I. Nezbeda:
Effect of short- and long-range forces on the structure of water.
II. Orientational ordering and the dielectric constant
Mol. Phys. 98, 1505 (2000)
Supplementary material
- Figures 1-14 from the paper (screen resolution)
- Full correlation function for TIP4P and ST2 potentials, both in the full and short-range (4/6) form, 3D rendered pictures:
- 2D site-site (OO-OH and OO-HH) correlation functions
- x-y-color plots
- 3D x-y-z plots
- 25oC, 997 kg m-3 as
contour plots (in new browser window):
(=figure 9 in the paper), ST2. Full potential contours are green, cut
(4/6) lines magenta.
- Data for correlation functions as zip archives.
Key for file names is here.
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