Separation and Quantification of Acridine Derivatives by Capillary Liquid Chromatography
Page: 569
aDepartment of Analytical Chemistry,bDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague,cFaculty of Pharmacy, Mediterranee Universite, Marseilles, France
An analytical method for separation and quantification of five acridine thio derivatives by capillary liquid chromatography has been developed. A capillary column, 320 mm I.D., filled with the Nucleosil 100-5 C 18 stationary phase, particle size 5 mm, was used. The mobile-phase composition was optimized in order to obtain a reasonable separation of the main component of each reaction mixture from impurities from the synthesis and a good quantification. It was shown that all the derivatives studied were well separated in binary mobile phases, acetonitrile/water or acetonitrile/0.2 acetate buffer of pH 3.5, with high acetonitrile contents (90 %). Calibration curves for all the derivatives were measured at wavelengths of 214 and 230 nm in the mobile phase composed of acetonitrile/0.2 acetate buffer of pH 3.5 (90:10, v/v). The linear dynamic ranges of the calibration curves were between 1.0×10-3 and 1.0×10-6 and the detection limits for the compounds were in the µ range.