Vysoká škola
chemicko-technologická v Praze:
Jméno a
příjmení: Vladimír Kocourek |
Tituly: doc. Ing. CSc. |
Přednášky v předmětech:
Legislativa a management jakosti
Kvalita v laboratorní kontrole potravin
Absolvovaná VŠ: VŠCHT Praha |
Rok: 1975 |
Praxe od absolvování VŠ: |
Od: |
Do: |
VÚAB Roztoky u Prahy |
1975 |
1976 |
VÚ potravinářského průmyslu Praha |
1981 |
1989 |
zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce, Praha |
1989 |
1992 |
Český ekologický ústav Praha |
1992 |
1993 |
VŠCHT Praha |
1994 |
Nejdůležitější publikace a další tvůrčí činnost za posledních pět let:
temperature programming in routine analysis of multiple pesticide residues in
food matrices. J.CHROMATOG A 907 (2001) 235-245 (Podíl: 25 %)
microwave (FMW) extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from plant
bioindicators. Polycyclic aromatic compounds 19 (2000) 217-226 (Podíl: 25 %)
handling in analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs CHEMICKE LISTY 92 (10)
(1998) 777-783 (Podíl: 33 %)
of pesticides in plant extracts used as calibrants in the gas chromatographic
analysis of residues. J. CHROMATOG A 800 (1998) 297-304 (Podíl: 35 %)
of PAHs in environmental compartments - Alternative ways of monitoring.
CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 29 (1999) 123-124 1999 (Podíl: 25 %)
assurance in planar PCBs analysis - validation of the method and results from
freshwater fish analysis. Organohalogen compounds 45 (2000) 134 - 137 (Podíl:
30 %)
induced effects: critical point in GC analysis of pesticide residues. J.
CHROMATOG A 800 (1998) 283-295 (Podíl: 25 %)
Anotace nejvýznamnějších
publikací, projektů, děl a další tvůrčí čin.:
method for the determination of ultra-trace levels of nitro-PAHs in various
biotic matrices has been developed. Soxhlet extraction and/or solvent
extraction enhanced by sonication were used for isolation of target analytes;
GPC followed by SPE were employed for purification of crude extracts. GC-MS/NCI
technique was utilised for identification/quantitation of target analytes.
Performance characteristics of implemented method were obtained through
thorough in-house validation procedure. The main sources of uncertainties were
critically evaluated, possible strategies of their elimination/minimisation
were considered and consequently employed. Examination of real-life samples of
various foodstuffs (complete human diet, mate tea, pumpkin seed oil, parsley,
sausages) was performed in this study.
gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of 15 organophosphorus pesticides commonly
occurring in food crops was performed using the Thermedics Detection EZ Flash
upgrade kit installed in the oven of a HP 5890 Series II Plus gas
chromatograph. The temperature program and splitless time period were the main
parameters to be optimized. In the first set of experiments wheat
matrix-matched standards were analyzed both by: (i) the flash GC technique
(resistive heating of a 5 m capillary column), and (ii) the conventional GC
technique (moderate oven temperature programming of a 30 m capillary column).
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On 01 Apr 2003, 13:34.