Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze:

Jméno a příjmení: Vladimír Kocourek

Tituly: doc. Ing. CSc.


Rok narození: 1952


Rozsah pracovního vztahu: 1

Přednášky v předmětech:

           Legislativa a management jakosti

           Kvalita v laboratorní kontrole potravin


Absolvovaná VŠ: VŠCHT Praha                       

Rok: 1975


Praxe od absolvování VŠ:








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Nejdůležitější publikace a další tvůrčí činnost za posledních pět let:

  1. Determination of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their precursors in biotic matrices. J.CHROMATOG A 982 (2002) 127-143 (Podíl: 33 %)

2.      Fast temperature programming in routine analysis of multiple pesticide residues in food matrices. J.CHROMATOG A 907 (2001) 235-245 (Podíl: 25 %)

3.      Focused microwave (FMW) extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from plant bioindicators. Polycyclic aromatic compounds 19 (2000) 217-226 (Podíl: 25 %)

4.      Sample handling in analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs CHEMICKE LISTY 92 (10) (1998) 777-783 (Podíl: 33 %)

5.      Stability of pesticides in plant extracts used as calibrants in the gas chromatographic analysis of residues. J. CHROMATOG A 800 (1998) 297-304 (Podíl: 35 %)

6.      Occurrence of PAHs in environmental compartments - Alternative ways of monitoring. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 29 (1999) 123-124 1999 (Podíl: 25 %)

7.      Quality assurance in planar PCBs analysis - validation of the method and results from freshwater fish analysis. Organohalogen compounds 45 (2000) 134 - 137 (Podíl: 30 %)

8.      Matrix- induced effects: critical point in GC analysis of pesticide residues. J. CHROMATOG A 800 (1998) 283-295 (Podíl: 25 %)

Anotace nejvýznamnějších publikací, projektů, děl a další tvůrčí čin.:

·         Analytical method for the determination of ultra-trace levels of nitro-PAHs in various biotic matrices has been developed. Soxhlet extraction and/or solvent extraction enhanced by sonication were used for isolation of target analytes; GPC followed by SPE were employed for purification of crude extracts. GC-MS/NCI technique was utilised for identification/quantitation of target analytes. Performance characteristics of implemented method were obtained through thorough in-house validation procedure. The main sources of uncertainties were critically evaluated, possible strategies of their elimination/minimisation were considered and consequently employed. Examination of real-life samples of various foodstuffs (complete human diet, mate tea, pumpkin seed oil, parsley, sausages) was performed in this study.

·         Flash gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of 15 organophosphorus pesticides commonly occurring in food crops was performed using the Thermedics Detection EZ Flash upgrade kit installed in the oven of a HP 5890 Series II Plus gas chromatograph. The temperature program and splitless time period were the main parameters to be optimized. In the first set of experiments wheat matrix-matched standards were analyzed both by: (i) the flash GC technique (resistive heating of a 5 m capillary column), and (ii) the conventional GC technique (moderate oven temperature programming of a 30 m capillary column).


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