Issue 4 (April)
Granty prizmatem frikulínů
Page: 261
Welcome in the Nanoworld
Page: 262
a Department of Organic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague; b Czech Radio, Prague
Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Proteins: Lipid Transfer and Beyond
Page: 273
Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovak Republic
Acquisition of Proteomic Data Using Mass Spectrometry and Their Bioinformatics Interpretation
Page: 279
Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno
Hop Preparations and Factors Affecting Wort Boiling
Page: 287
a Brewery Šariš, a.s., Veľký Šariš, b Department of Biochemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
The Relation of the Public and Chemical Companies and Its Influence on Enterpreneurial Milieu in Chemistry
Page: 293
Department of Organic Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Speciation of Chromium and Inorganic Arsenic in Waters Using Solid Phase Extraction and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Page: 303
a Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry, b Water Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Oxidation of Organic Nitrogen in Stoichiometric and Balance Calculations of the Combustion of Stabilized Sewage Sludge
Page: 310
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
Utilization of Environment-Friendly Phthalocyanine Preparations for Algae and Cyanobacteria Control in Cooling Water Circuits
Page: 315
a Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, b VÚOS Co., Rybitví, Pardubice
Measurement of Clusterin Concentration by a New ELISA Method
Page: 323
a Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital, Šternberk, b Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Faculty, Brno, Czech Republic, c Gnosis Ltd., Bratislava, Slovakia
Determination of Iridium in Meteorites by Coincidence Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
Page: 327
a Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University, Prague, b Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, c Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Supplementary articles (in Czech)
Page: 261