Mathematical metods for physical chemistry (N403045)


Second part of the course

#lectureprintexercises (Maple)homeworkdeadline
1Linear algebra Consider a plane and a line given by equation ax + by = 0. Write a 2×2 matrix, M, of the mirror reflection (flip) around this line. Calculate det(M) and M2 and discuss the results.
2Linear algebra Determine the signature of quadratic form f(x,y,z)=2*(x-y)^2+(y-z)^2-2*x*z.
3Approximation of Consider function
f(x) = cosh(√x) for x≥0
f(x) = cos(√x) for x<0
  1. Show that it is analytical at x=0 and find its Taylor series.
  2. Aproximate this function in interval [−π2, π2] by the Chebyshev polynomials with the precision better than 10−7.
4Numerical derivative and quadrature, Derive a fourth-order formula for the numerical calculation of the first derivative in the form
f '(x) = [ (a f(x−3h/2) + b f(xh/2) + c f(x+h/2) + d f(x+3h/2) ]/h + O(h4)
Compare with the standard formula using a suitable test function.
5Mathematical Student's t-test: Your personalized homework
6The method of least Fitting in physical chemistry: Your personalized homework
7+ popular appendix1:8

Student's t-test and linar fitting in spreadsheets: [ LibreOffice | Excel ]

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